SwingTowns has been providing webmasters and clubs with the tools to get the most out of hard-earned traffic since 2001. We pride ourselves in developing and maintaining the most-liked swingers site and continuing to provide you with a site, that not only converts among the highest in the industry, but one your visitors will truly enjoy. That's what you call a win-win.
Your Traffic is Limited, so don't waste it!
Obviously, your visitors don't need to hear about over-marketed websites they have already subscribed to, and you won't make any money on existing subscribers of other sites anyway, right? So why in the world would you dedicate yourself to sending your hard earned traffic somewhere they've already been? You wouldn't! Send your traffic somewhere fresh, somewhere that converts because it's fun, send them to SwingTowns.
The swingers lifestyle in this day-and-age demands the ability to keep up with changing trends and we provide just that: a modern, responsive website that converts well and works optimally on the devices your traffic is actually using... an active community that feels new, yet is actually well-developed, stable and long trusted - ultimately a place where your traffic is most likely to convert. Make sense?
We know the importance of trust and reliability when it comes to choosing an affiliate program. We are confident, through our time-tested, proven adeptness in the industry, that we offer our webmasters and club owners the best possible chance at profitability while maintaining a trushtworthy relationship through a premium adult dating affiliate program.